HomeSuccess StoriesInriver: User access and digital marketplaces 

Inriver: User access and digital marketplaces

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Inriver has implemented a number of innovations to improve user management and product content distribution.






Front-end, Back-end, Devops, Architects and Technical Leads

About our cooperation

Euvic has worked with Inriver on three different projects. In summary, Inriver has implemented a number of innovations to improve user management and product content distribution. You can read about all three projects below 

Project 1: Authorization & Access Control


Inriver, a top-tier SaaS PIM solution, streamlines the consolidation, enrichment, and distribution of product information. Facing challenges with their existing authorization system, Inriver turned to a new solution that provided a robust and secure way to manage user access and identities. The implementation of a custom-built Access control API and support for external identity providers resulted in a more efficient, secure, and scalable system. 



Inriver, a leading SaaS provider, excels in product information management (PIM). The goal was to enhance their authorization capabilities to ensure secure, efficient user access and management. 



Inriver’s initial challenge was an outdated and inflexible authorization server that hindered productivity and posed security risks. These issues resulted in increased administrative overhead and potential data breaches. Inriver aimed to overhaul their access control mechanisms to improve security, user experience, and system integration. 



The solution was a comprehensive Authorization and Access Control system, designed to address Inriver’s unique challenges. This included: 


  • A new authorization server based on industry proven solutions. 
  • Custom-built access control API with RBAC capabilities. 
  • Support for external identity providers. 
  • Seamless Integration with an existing user store. 
  • New invitation flow and automated provisioning of users. 
  • Support for Single Sign On (SSO) into internal and external resources. 
  • A new user management capability available for admins. 
  • Enhanced self-management capabilities for users. 


Technological choices included Azure Cloud, Cosmos DB, Playwright, Okta and OpenID for a robust and modern infrastructure. Adopted Infrastructure as Code (IaC) for agility and consistency. Built E2E Tests including API and UI Tests to ensure reliability. 

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The new system has reduced the administrative burden and improved security measures. It has enabled Inriver to manage user access more efficiently, with positive effects such as decreased time-to-market for changes and enhanced extensibility to accommodate business growth. 



Euvic’s team of 16, included Front-End and Back-End Developers, DevOps, Architects and Technical Leads who worked closely with Inriver. Auth sub team had 4 Euvic members, more than half of the total team.

Project 2: Syndicate Plus


Syndicate Plus is a transformative solution by Inriver, designed to automate and simplify the distribution of product content across a multitude of platforms including retail partners, marketplaces, and social channels. This innovation addressed the complexities of multi-channel distribution and resulted in streamlined operations and expanded market reach. 



Inriver is at the forefront of SaaS-based product information management, aiming to revolutionize content syndication across various digital ecosystems. 



Inriver automates the labor-intensive process of distributing product content to numerous channels, which was prone to errors and inefficiencies. The goal is to reduce the manual workload, mitigate errors, and enhance the speed and reach of their content distribution. The company had an existing solution, but it was limited in functionality and needed improvements. 



The Syndicate Plus platform was developed to meet these challenges head-on with features such as: 

  • An automation capability for distributing content to an extensive network of channels. 
  • Flexible access through templates or direct API connections. 
  • Integration with external distribution systems for seamless content syndication. 
  • A complete overhaul of the user interface to improve user experience. 
  • A custom authorization solution to ensure secure access control. 

The technological stack included Vue.js for the frontend and .NET Core for backend services, ensuring a robust and responsive system. 

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Syndicate Plus has significantly optimized Inriver’s distribution workflow, leading to a marked increase in efficiency and a broader distribution reach. The result has been a positive impact on market presence and a reduction in time spent on manual distribution processes. 



Euvic’s team of 16, included Front-End and Back-End Developers, DevOps, Architects and Technical Leads who worked closely with Inriver. Syndicate sub team had 2 Euvic members. 

Project 3: Brand store and Content Delivery


Brand store alongside Content Delivery API are innovative projects by Inriver, enabling customers to present their Product Data in an engaging, store-like format. This solution simplifies the process for clients to set up and publish their “stores” and for their clients to consume the data, addressing the challenge of accessibility and ease of use in the B2B space. 



Inriver, renowned for its SaaS product information management solutions, sought to create a platform allowing their clients to provide Product Data in a user-friendly, online store format. 



Inriver’s clients faced difficulties in presenting their product data in a way that was both accessible and efficient for their B2B clients. The goal was to create a system that would allow for easy setup, publication, and consumption of this data in a scalable and manageable way. 



The solution was divided into two applications: 

  • A B2B application for inriver customers to set up and publish their branded online self-service digital storefronts, tailoring both user experience and data access.  
  • A B2B2B application for the end users who can browse the storefronts to preview or download product data which gets automatically updated and optimized for sharing. 


The system was underpinned by a highly scalable multitenant API to ensure flexibility and scalability.  The technology stack included Vue.js for a responsive frontend, Azure Functions for serverless computing, and Cosmos DB for global distribution and horizontal scaling. 

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The Brand store and Content Delivery platform has enabled Inriver’s clients to significantly improve the accessibility of their product data, resulting in a more intuitive and streamlined B2B experience. The multitenant architecture has allowed for rapid scaling to meet the demands of a growing customer base. 



Euvic’s team of 16, included Front-End and Back-End Developers, DevOps, Architects and Technical Leads who worked closely with Inriver. Brand store and Content Delivery sub teams had 7 Euvic members, more than half of the total in both teams. 

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